My blog goes international

Så jag har lovat my bro Zach att börja skriva på engelska så han förstår när han läser bloggen. Hmmm vi får se hur det går..

So here we.. GO!

Today i made dinner, my moms great tacopie witch really became great! Mmm, made me think of home for a while. I love my mom, she's the BEST!
We were suppose to go in to El Eljido to change some money but we missed the bus, SO we went FIKING (understand Z?) instead. What a great idea! 
  I miss the DTS peolpe, NO JOKE! (right Ash?) Maybe we'll visit them someday or they'll visit us. I really do hope so!!! Gosh... Maybe we'll go horsebackriding in the weekend! WOHO!

Anyway, God is great, He's the greatest! There's noone greater or better than him. I just think i need to really get that, He has to be the greatest part of my life! I can't let others control my life, deciding what i should do. I know noone tries to intentually, it's really me who's my biggest enemy. My own thoughts controls me, but I can't let them do that. My prayer is that nothing or noone will get in between of me and God. And the thing is, nothing or noone can, if I don't let them. Good job Sofia figuring that one out. I know, but still. God is really great. And I'm starting to really realize that. And he loves me and wants to hang out with me and have fun with me. I like that.

So the most used word of todays text: great.
Great, so goodnight.


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